meet the
Hi I’m Rebecca Kane
I love helping people transform their minds and life through motivational martial arts programs.
I know how difficult it can be finding the right Martial Arts School.
I remember when I was a child feeling anxious about going to a Martial Arts class and being sent to “toughen up”. I wasn’t sure if I had what it would take to succeed at first as I wasn’t what you would define as a “fighter” and needed to develop more confidence. Little did I know that by starting Martial Arts it would take me all around the globe competing and winning fights and World Titles in places as far as the Philippines and Thailand. I am honoured to be one of the most highly decorated female martial artists in the UK and have been inducted into various Hall of Fames most notably USA Hall of Fame. The greatest honour I have ever had was being nominated by one of my pupils to run with the 2012 Olympic Torch for the work I do in empowering women. This is a memory I will never forget.
You can read more about my personal journey by visiting my dedicated website
When I opened Kane Academy in 2006 I wanted to make a difference in the local community. I made a commitment to serving my pupils and helping those like myself (“non stereotypical types”), develop confidence and become empowered through martial arts mind and body training. Pupils do not have to become world class fighters by attending classes, many in fact come to transform their lives outside of martial arts whether it be dealing with school bullies or just gaining the confidence to make that job change or follow their dreams. I am so excited to be able to help more people around the world from 2020 with the launch of my new Online Academy and live academy.
Be Inspired
Rebecca’s Teaching Qualifications include
2016 6th Degree Black Belt and senior weapons coach with the British Kempo Society
2015 ITBF Qualified Muay Thai Kickboxing Instructor under Master A
2012 Tuhon (Master grade) Filipino Martial Arts – under Senior Grand Master Pepito Robas
2010 inductee to Black Belt Hall of Fame USA –
2010 5th Degree Black Belt – Kempo Ju Jitsu Under Hanshi Bernard Witcher
2005 Full Instructor in Rapid Arnis – Under Pat O’Malley
Belt Karate and Kickboxing – Under Bob Sykes
Hi I’m
I have worked with Kane Academy for over 10 years and love seeing pupils progression through the Grade Structure.

The vision is to take Martial Arts into the 21st Century.
I started martial arts as a child aged 4 years olf. I was small for my age and my parents wanted me to get involved in an activity that would build my confidence and teach Self Defence skills.
I have competed accross different sport styles of Martial Arts, Freestyle Kickboxing, Karate and Filipino Martial Arts.
I run all things technical and organise the digital joining system, Online shop system. It is most likely to be me that you hear from when initially getting in touch about joiing and trialling the Academy.
Be Inspired
James Teaching Qualifications include
Junior Instructor Level Black Belt in Filipino Martial Arts – Under Sifu Rebecca Kane
3rd Degree Black Belt Karate and Kickboxing – Under Bob Sykes
We have passed the governments safeguarding Code for Martial Arts. All our Instructors are fully Certified and DBS checked. All of our Instructors have passed Covid Safe Martial Arts Instructor training.