
Start Your


In our online 6 week ladies Introductory course you will get everything you need to get you started on your kickboxing journey.

There are so many positives to online learning and you can eliminate many of the fears and blocks that have previously got in your way and prevented you from starting on your journey.

Many ladies were;

  • Worried that they would be the only female in a male orientated pack of pupils.
  • Believed that this sport was only for men.
  • Were worried about getting a bad experience in a fighting gym.
  • Thought they needed to lose weight before they could start learning.
  • Felt uncomfortable amongst a group of other pupils.
  • Now that they finally have the time to learn were worried that they would be too old.

Let go of your fears and get started today!


Level’s 1 – 6

Grading Syllabus

Click the buy now button to be taken directly to the app page to Kickboxing grading syllabus level’s  1 – 6.

You will get access to over 100 mini tutorial videos which takes you through each belt grade level move by move.

This is the perfect study guide for pupils attending lessons at our HQ and with our Virtual Academy.


Level’s 7 – 11

Grading Syllabus

Click the buy now button to be taken directly to the app page to Kickboxing grading syllabus level’s  7 – 11.

You will get access to over 100 mini tutorial videos which takes you through each belt grade level move by move.

This is the perfect study guide for pupils attending lessons at our HQ and with our Virtual Academy.


Level’s 12 – 16

Grading Syllabus

Click the buy now button to be taken directly to the app page to Kickboxing grading syllabus level’s  12- 16.

You will get access to over 100 mini tutorial videos which takes you through each belt grade level move by move.

This is the perfect study guide for pupils attending lessons at our HQ and with our Virtual Academy.

More courses coming soon! 

Watch video to see how to sign up to the Online Academy

Get fit with a martial arts twist!

Our course platform works on any device. Here's a quick link to one of our train at home bag blast courses for those that bought the gear but still have no idea!

Kane Academy | Learn Martial Arts and Self Defence

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