get fit and learn a new skill this summer.
We know some of you have been wanting to try out our Academy for a while now. We are super proud to have the 4 week courses ready for new starters to book via our website.
Simply go to the page of the programme your interested in trying, scroll down the page until you get to the book now link. Click the link and the booking window will appear in a new window.
We have July 4 week courses for the following programmes;
- Tiger Tots ages 3 – 4 years
- Tiny Tigers ages 4 – 7 years
- Ninja kids ages 7-12 years
- Teen and adult kickboxing ages 12 plus
- Ladies kickboxing ages 12 plus.
All courses come with our amazing Kane Academy Boxing Gloves

boxing gloves Huddersfield
We look forward to helping you learn a new skill and become a more confident version of you.